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When It Comes to Selling Your Home - Evaluate Every Room!

Homebuyers are going to be very critical of your home when they are looking, even more critical than they are about their own homes. Most people don't mind dust in their house, but your potential home buyer will. When your home is on the market, it needs to stay in show condition, similar to what you would find in a new model home.

Open up space by removing excess furniture, de-personalizing and de-cluttering. This step will allow prospective homebuyers to imagine themselves living in your home. You want to make sure they feel welcomed, relaxed, and potentially even emotionally attached.

Take your time navigating through the home seller's checklist below. While you're preparing your house for the market, think through essential items you will want to address with your real estate in the listing's description. Think about why you love your home. Others will probably be attracted to those same features as well.

Download this check-list to help you prepare your plan before going on market.

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