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Showing Your Home

If you're still living in the home, you will need to practice some patience and flexibility when it comes to showing your home. Your listing will ideally attract lots of interested buyers who will ask for a walkthrough. At this step, you will need to communicate closely with your agent about when you wish for your agent to schedule showings for potential buyers.

Prior to each showing, make sure you put away personal belongings and stage your home. It may be easier to earmark a few evenings of each week for eating out after work, so your agent has some flexibility in the evenings to show the house too.

If you aren't living in the house, your agent can provide a lockbox or keypad so that they can enter the home for viewings throughout the day. This makes the logistics a lot easier, but it means you'll need to reset your home each time you leave in case your agent has an impromptu viewing.

You and your agent may also consider hosting an open house.

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