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Negotiating on Home Repairs

Negotiating on home repairs may seem daunting, but as the seller - you ultimately decide what you are willing to do. Once you have the inspection report on hand, you and the buyer can negotiate on any repairs that need to be made.

The inspector could have flagged a major

repair that could cost your buyer thousands of dollars to fix. In response, you could offer to provide a closing credit to offset the expense.

You don't have to accept every request the homebuyer is making, but you should aim to come to a compromise, otherwise your buyer may ask to renegotiate on price or pull of out of the sale if they have wiggle room in the contract. It's worth noting that most contracts have the home inspection as a key contingency - if your home inspection leads to several glaring issues; this could be grounds for your buyer to abandon the sale.

Once you come to an agreement, ask your buyer to release any remaining contingencies on the contract. If the sale was pending an appraisal and home inspection, your home has made it through these checkpoints.

You'll need to make sure you're all moved out before your closing date so the buyer can do a final walkthrough. Do your part to get the home tidied up and move-in ready. Make sure to settle any outstanding debts and accounts you own that are tied to the home, such as HOA fees, unpaid property taxes and utilities bills. Also - don't forget to redirect your mail.

Now you are nearing the finish line and getting ready to close. At closing, both parties will sign all of the paperwork needed to complete the sale. The title to your property is officially transferred to the buyer and you'll hand over your set of keys. Don't forget the mail key and garage door code or remote as well.

In return, payment for your house is processed and your title company till take the funds to pay off the remainder of your mortgage on the house, along with any transaction costs and commissions to the company, your agent and your attorney. The remainder is deposited straight into your account or provided in a check.

At the point - CONGRATULATIONS! You have just sold your house.

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