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KM Realty Welcomes Newest Agent, Jonica Ray!

KM Realty Company is pleased to announce or newest agent joining our team - Jonica Ray! Jonica's background is the perfect recipe to make an amazing real estate agent. She has over 12 years of sales, marketing and advertising experience, and seven years working with document security solutions. Sales has always been her forte, especially real estate.

"My husband is a builder," says Jonica. "I have always enjoyed meeting his customers and helping them select the perfect finishes for their home. To say I'm obsessed with interior design is an understatement." This experience allows Jonica to help her future homeowners truly understand the importance of visualizing their new space. "I want to help my clients see the big picture for what their new house could be -- whether it's furniture placement or remodeling - I love it all!"

Jonica also has a passion for working with first time homebuyers. She understands that the purchase of a home will more than likely be the largest purchase most people make in their lifetime. "The satisfaction I get from walking my client through the process of home ownership is very rewarding for me," says Jonica. "I truly believe in the quote - agent for now, friend for life. That's what I want to be for my clients." Jonica's goal in every transaction is for her clients to know that regardless of selling or purchasing a home, she has their back and is ready to go to bat for them.

At KM Realty Company, we believe that Jonica's expertise and keeping her clients' best interest at heart will make her the perfect fit.

If you are looking to buy or sell your home, be sure to contact Jonica today!

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