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Focus on Fresh

While too many extraneous items in a home can detract from its perceived value, well-placed plants and flowers can add life and freshness into the space.

Space them out so as not to clutter any one particular area, but try to have a couple fresh items in areas that matter.

Place a vase full of big bright flowers in the center of your kitchen table, a small potted plant or some succulents in the living room, and perhaps a larger potted plant in the corner of the living room as well. Don't have the time or green thumb to maintain fresh plants/ Fake plants will set the same atmosphere with less work.

Another aspect of freshness is making sure there are no odors. A deep clean should take care of any lingering smells, but also be sure to always clear out your trash bin before showings so buyers aren't hit with any offensive scents. You may want to install a small scented plug-in in a couple of rooms too (or just one may be okay, depending on the size and layout of your home.) If you do that, keep it on a low setting - you want the smell to be pleasant, but subtle.

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